It was time for a nice three day no visiting any large attractions in Porto. We had a lovely apartment to just chill out and give our little girls legs a break from walking. And ours from pushing the damn buggy and lifting the girls when they start kicking off


we sort of did exactly this until day until day three lol

the first day we did usual supermarket shop for some home food during these days and also carried on with Ashie’s toilet training ! I don’t think I even want to talk about this lol

oh and it was our 9 year wedding anniversary. So I forgot we went out for dinner and had awesome chicken and chips and of course some Portuguese red wine!

The day after went to some shops in the day and in the evening attempted to go see a sunset ! For this reason we ensure all the kids got a good afternoon sleep and some early dinner.

we ‘tried’ to teach the kids the concept of a sunset , it did not last long! They started running around like headless chickens and did our nuts in. And it is so damn windy on the Portugal coast it’s pissing me off.

but it was still beautiful and worth it for us. Poor little Eshan just sits in the buggy the whole time and watches lol alll he does is drink milk, burp like a typical bloke and also constantly shit like one!

now the third day! Prit said it’s a city no one with wear shorts. I am like yeh I ain’t gona wear shorts .

We get the metro into the main town (girls first ever metro/train ride - they haven’t even been on the tube yet at home) everyone is wearing bloody shorts and by 11am it’s baking hot!! Ahhhh

oh and also Ashie decides to hold a random old ladies hand all the way down the street! Just because she said hello to her! We can’t take this girl anywhere!

we did a little bit of site seeing and saw all the main stuff, Ashie usual kicking off everywhere . Just can’t handle her lately! and then did too much walking - Ashie was knocked out in the buggy so Prit had to push that heffer home and I was holding Eshan in the body carrier- my back was done! Lol and poor Shae soldiered it back lol

my photos always look great but if only I could write the reality of each day lol